In 2008, the municipality of Steinfort launched a comprehensive redevelopment project for the KREMER and GRADEL industrial sites, located near the center of the town.
This was followed by a coordinated process involving all the necessary parties. The approval of the PAG in June 2010 marked an important milestone in the development process.
The land in question lies between two different zones. Part of the land, covering an area of around 36,213 m2, is classified as a “Mixed-Urban Zone” (ZMU). The other part of the site, covering an area of around 11,642 m2, is classified as “Residential Zone 2” (HAB-2).
The total surface area of the site covered by the present AISCHZENTER PAP is 47,855 m2.
According to this “genius loci” and the potential that follows, around 400 apartments are being developed, and – in a secondary row – a small supermarket and offices and practices. The project works with this high density but finds a parcel-based scale that sets it apart from other residential areas.